
Hate Water? Here Are 5 Healthy Alternatives, According to an NFL Sports Dietitian

Hate Water? Here Are 5 Healthy Alternatives, According to an NFL Sports Dietitian

Discover flavorful alternatives to plain water! From herbal teas to coconut water, learn how to stay hydrated and nourished with insights from an NFL sports dietitian.

Water is widely recommended as the healthiest beverage — but what if it’s not your thing? As it’s much easier to stay hydrated if you choose a drink you enjoy, Jordan Mazur, a San Francisco-based professional sports dietitian and nutrition adviser to the beverage company Hint Water, is offering more palatable alternatives for H2O haters.

1. Herbal Teas: A Flavorful Hydration Option

Herbal teas, especially those without caffeine, can contribute to daily fluid intake. Whether it’s soothing chamomile or invigorating peppermint, herbal teas provide hydration while adding a burst of flavor. Plus, they come in a variety of blends to suit your taste preferences.

2. Coconut Water: Nature’s Electrolyte Drink

Coconut water is another good option due to its electrolyte content, which can be beneficial for rehydration. According to Mazur, a sports dietitian for the San Francisco 49ers, coconut water provides a natural source of hydration and essential nutrients.

3. Milk: A Nutrient-Rich Choice

Both dairy and plant-based milk alternatives provide hydration along with essential nutrients like calcium. Whether you prefer a glass of cold cow’s milk or a creamy almond milk latte, these options can help quench your thirst while nourishing your body.

4. Infused Water: Elevate Your Hydration Game

If plain water seems boring at times, try infusing it with slices of fruit like cucumber, lemon, or berries. Not only does this enhance the flavor, but it also adds a subtle boost of vitamins. Get creative with your combinations and enjoy a refreshing twist on hydration.

5. Ready-to-Drink Alternatives: Flavor Without the Calories

There are also ready-to-drink alternatives that add natural flavor to water without any added calories or artificial sweeteners. These beverages come in various flavors, from citrus to berry, making hydration more exciting.

What to Avoid: Alcohol, Sugary Drinks, and Caffeine

While some beverages contribute to fluid intake, others can have adverse effects. Alcohol and sugary drinks, including sodas and fruit juices with added sugars, are not ideal alternatives to water. They can lead to weight gain and metabolic disorders. Additionally, caffeinated beverages like coffee and certain teas may have a diuretic effect, potentially increasing fluid loss.

As a professional sports dietitian, Mazur emphasizes the importance of proper hydration for athletes and non-athletes alike. Hydration needs can vary based on factors such as physical activity levels, environmental conditions, and overall health. So, whether you’re a pro football player or simply someone looking to stay healthy, remember that staying hydrated is a fundamental part of your daily well-being.


Disclaimer: This article is intended for informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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